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The Power of Participation: How Patients Shape Clinical Research

IntroductionThe landscape of clinical research is evolving. Patients are no longer viewed simply assubjects but as key partners in the quest for medical advancements. Including patients inresearch design and execution offers a multitude of benefits, leading to more relevant,inclusive, and ultimately, successful studies.Benefits of Patient InvolvementEnhanced Research Design: Patients possess unique insights into their conditionsand the challenges they face in daily life. Involving them in research design helpscreate trials that are more patient-centered. This can involve:o Identifying research questions [...]

Global Standards of Quality Assurance in Clinical Trials

Global Standards of Quality Assurance in Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are conducted to collect relevant data for discovery of new drugs for curing or prevention of diseases. This data also helps academia, industry, and regulators to make crucial decisions about the safety and effectiveness of the disease or preventative medicines being studied. Clinical research project sponsors generally assign critical project responsibilities such as quality assurance to Contract Research Organizations or CROs. Need for Quality Assurance (QA) in clinical trials Quality assurance in clinical trials ensures that globally-accepted Good Clinical [...]

Why Pharmacovigilance is important in Clinical Trials?

Why Pharmacovigilance is important in Clinical Trials?

Pharma companies produce the medicines to ease the pain of living beings on earth. Based on the medical solution that is required by the ones in pain, these companies use their trial population to conduct clinical research. India is one of the leading service providers of clinical research services in the world. To ensure the safety of drugs for patients, pharmacovigilance services are utilised by the pharma companies in clinical trials for drug development. Here are some of the key [...]

Benefits of Clinical Research Services in India

Benefits of Clinical Research Services in India

The pharmaceutical industry in today’s times is reeling under the pressure of rising costs, stricter regulatory norms and shorter life cycles of products and is turning towards the Asian countries for conducting its clinical research studies. The existence of a strong intellectual base and low cost structure has made India one of the favourite destinations among the whole lot. Clinical Research India Advantage Clinical trials are needed to evaluate the efficacy of new medicines which work towards the betterment of patients. [...]

Quality Assurance

The Role of Quality Assurance in Clinical Trial

Clinical trials have to follow the ethical standards without compromising the quality of the trial results. The quality assurance teams take care of this critical area in clinical research. India has several clinical research companies who are able to deliver quality output to project sponsors by focusing on GCP(Good Clinical Practice) guidelines as per global standards. Clinical trials are mostly expensive in nature. If there is a project delay or inadequate results emerge due to quality concerns, the project sponsor [...]

Importance of Remote Monitoring in Clinical Trials

Importance of Remote Monitoring in Clinical Trials

The scenario of clinical research studies is becoming more complex in view of the ever increasing regulatory compliance demands, increased intricacies and the increasing costs of conducting research. If these constraints have to be tackled then technological optimization is a must. Organizations are more interested in meeting up with the rising costs and deadlines on one hand and ensuring patient safety and regulatory compliances on the other. This has led to the increased importance of remote monitoring for clinical [...]

Benefits and Risks of Clinical Trials

Benefits and Risks of Clinical Trials

Today, medical research has become one of the important components contributing to the Indian economy. Further, it is a significant field of study which helps towards providing advanced medical treatments and cure. Both public as well as private sectors are included when it comes to developments in the medical research field. In the recent years, India has seen tremendous progress in the field of technology and science with several multinational pharmaceutical firms planning to launch themselves in India and initiate [...]

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